Driver Stories

Archive for March, 2014

Just another day

by on Mar.30, 2014, under Uncategorized

While driving O’Hare airport this morning, I was getting ready to pull into terminal three and drop off my customer and her Teenage girl. As they approached the end of terminal three I encountered a woman driving an SUV barging her way into the flow of traffic, without any regard for anyone else around her. Here we go again another blonde in a Beemer,I don’t know but can you tell me where it says in the Illinois rules of the road that I have to yield to stupid women in white SUVs. Maybe she just like if I got out and kissed her ass….. just another day.

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Just another day

by on Mar.29, 2014, under Uncategorized

While working today , I was sitting in terminal five having just put my customer in the back seat, about to throw the car in gear when the suburban taxi comes flying around me parks the car in front of me at an angle while blocking the crosswalk. When I honked my horn at the driver to get his attention an eastern man got out with a very heavy Slavic accent, Probably Russian, Lithuanian, or some version of Polish. And he tried to explain to me how it was my fault that he was parked sideways in the crosswalk, the unmitigated gall of the man screws up and tries to blame somebody else… just another day.

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The entitled one

by on Mar.28, 2014, under Uncategorized

Observing a young woman today, I saw probably the most unbelievable display of either stupidity or conceit. The 20 something young woman was walking backwards into a busy intersection, while trying to line up a picture on her cell phone. The view from the rear was most pleasing -to any red-blooded male, especially in those tight stretch pants she was wearing-but it really did not seem to excuse the fact that she thought the entire world would wait for her to do whatever stupid thing she thought was more important.

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